Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Come on, Apple! Stop being so stubborn.

2.0 out of 5 stars Come on, Apple! Stop being so stubborn., September 19, 2008
-Sleeker, slimmer design.
-Return of the taller (better) body.
-Still easy to use, as ever.
-STILL no support of FLAC and other superior formats.
-STILL no FM radio.
-STILL no Bluetooth/WiFi, etc.
-STILL some of the sh***iest audio quality among PMPs (I'm talking just plain abysmal).
-STILL not enough flash memory, especially given the premium price.

Final judgment:
If, like my old lady, you like what iPods have done right and can live with what they do oh-so-wrong, then you'll love the newest addition to the line. If, on the other hand, you're like me and can't live without your Cowon PMP - if substance, compatibility and audio quality are more important than style and ease of navigation - then you might want to go an Apple-free route.

Apple iPod Nano

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